Serving at Peace in Christ

Every gift is precious in God's sight, from brewing coffee and baking cookies to serving at the altar or visiting the homebound.

The volunteers who serve on committees and ministries at Peace in Christ are the life blood and the engine of the church. They donate the time & energy that ensures everything gets done. And many people use the volunteer experience to get to know other members in the church community.

Altar Guild

Often described as a "behind the scenes" ministry, this team prepares the sanctuary for worship. Become a member.

Caring Community

The members of this ministry offer support to the ill or home-bound by providing on-site visits and more. Get involved!

Children & Youth Worship

Members of this team teach, assist in teaching, or feed our youth during Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, or other activities throughout the year. I want to help!


Music has long been an important aspect of worship and the life of the church at Peace in Christ. No audition is necessary to join the Peace in Christ Choir. Reading music is helpful, but not required.

Coffee Hour Hosts

On a rotating schedule, the members of this ministry set up, make coffee and provide a snack after or between Sunday services. Join the rotation!

Worship Team

Lay persons assist in worship as Readers, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Ushers (Greeters), and Eucharistic Visitors. Join the Team!